Energy efficiency for businesses

An increasing number of companies find electricity consumption management as a very important way to reduce operating costs and environmental impact, as well as to strengthen the company's image. If you want to use energy wisely, you must first know exactly how much electricity is used for each service. Very often, unexplained increases in energy consumption are easily overlooked and energy savings opportunities remain unused.
Energy report by EVN Elektrosnabduvanje provides you with all the important information about the consumption of electricity during the past period, in a practical and clear manner. Thanks to the practical format, you can easily process the data and use it for individual analysis. Unexplained consumption deviations and potential savings become visible, so you can take immediate action.
Energy audit is a systematic and detailed analyze of all significant energy users and energy flow within the company. From the beginning of 2020, large companies are obliged by the Energy Efficiency Law to conduct an external Energy audit, once in four years or to implement an energy or environment management system as an alternative.
Energy management system. To all customers who are interested, we offer an introduction of an energy management system and implementation of the ISO 50001 standard. Our intention is to serve as a partner to the companies during the introduction of advanced technologies and standards that will create competitive companies which will lead the development of our society.
EVN experts will lead you throughout the process of implementation of the energy efficiency services, and will also provide you with advice and support when it comes to implementation of specific measures.
Becoming a fully energy efficient company requires detailed activities, that can involve large initial investments and that can happen over time. For comprehensive expert support and guidance in the process of becoming an energy efficient company, please contact our Key Account Managers here.

Energy efficiency in business

EVN Makedonija Elektrosnabduvanje DOOEL Skopje
Str. Lazar Lichenoski no.11, Skopje
PO Box 694, Skopje 1000, Macedonia
Phone +389 (0)2 3205 500
[email protected]