1. What does the electricity market liberalization mean?
In practical terms, the electricity market liberalization means that your company as a business entity may choose the Electricity Supplier that will provide the energy needs for you. In order that a business entity may perform the role of Supplier it has to obtain a License for that business issued by the Energy Regulatory Commission. The list of the licensed Traders and Suppliers may be found on the ERC website.
2. Is my company obliged to be supplied on the liberalized market?
According to the Energy Law, all consumers has the right to chose an electricity supplier on the open market. Households and small electricity consumers (with average number of employees in the last two calendar years less than 50 and with total annual income of less than two million Euros in MKD) if do not choose to be supplied on open market, can be supplied under regulated prices by Supplier of Universal Services. Big consumers if do not sign contract on open market, can choose to be supplied by Supplier of Last Resort, but not longer than 90 days
3. Which is the deadline for signing a supply contract on the liberalized market?
In order to start the procedure for going on open market, the customer needs to submit the necessary documentation to the supplier no later than three weeks before the start of the delivery of electricity. For more detailed information, please visit the distribution system operator's website at the following link.
4. Which option is economically the most beneficiary for my company in terms of the electricity supply?
It has to be stated that the liberalization does not necessarily implicate lower price levels for the customers that choose to be supplied on the opened market. The prices on the opened market are formed not only by the basic mechanisms of the supply and demand but also based on multiple other variables. The trading and supply of electricity is related with certain risks deriving from the nature of the electricity as an un-storable product, the generation and transmission capacities available, the cross-border capacities, the energy exchange markets and many others. 
In any case, the best way to obtain an expert opinion is to contact EVN Makеdonija Elektrosnabduvanje here

5. Which is the benefit for my business to be supplied by EVN Makеdonija Elektrosnabduvanje on the liberalized market?
By signing a Supply Contract with EVN Makеdonija Elektrosnabduvanje your are establishing a business relation with a company that is part of the EVN Group, serving nearly 4,5 million customers. EVN is a company that has the largest experience in electricity supply in South-East Europe. 

The Group was established in 1907, it is stock-listed for 26 years and is a leading integrated energy and environmental services company serving customers in 25 countries in Europe with largest operations in Austria, Germany and South East Europe. 

The Executive Board and the Supervisory Board of EVN are committed to the principles of good corporate governance and, in this way, meet the expectations of national and international investors for responsible, transparent and sustainable management and control.

The management and employees of EVN have a far-reaching responsibility and role model function in all countries of operation. For this reason, the EVN Code of Conduct was developed, which defines and summarizes the principles and guidelines underlying responsible action for people of integrity. Moreover, a comprehensive set of internal rules applicable for all business areas is binding for EVN employees. In particular, these rules encompass the relevant guidelines and code of practice for the EVN Group, which regulate day-to-day business on an operational level.

The society is an area of particular concern for EVN. EVN Group supports events related to the Macedonian tradition, invests in sports and health promotion and fosters the idea of equal treatment for all stakeholders in the society. 

Therefore, you may always count on EVN Makеdonija Elektrosnabduvanje as stable and reliable partner that will be on disposal for you and your business at any given time. It is a company you are familiar with and you may be ensured that it shall provide you the energy you need without any hidden costs, with absolutely best service and accessibility compared with any potential competitor.

6. Which are the prices that my company is going to be charged with, if I choose to be supplied by EVN Makеdonija Elektrosnabduvanje? 
On the following link you can find the current prices and conditions for electricity supply that EVN Makedonija Elektrosnabduvanje offers to its business customers.

7. Why had so far these supply options not been available for my business?
In the previous period, your company had the status of so-called “tariff consumer”, implicating that based on the valid legislation you had to be supplied by regulated prices proscribed and determined by the Energy Regulatory Commission. With the liberalization of the electricity market, EVN Makеdonija Elektrosnabduvanje is able to form the energy price without any regulatory boundaries thus it can settle the prices and other supply terms with you on a mutual and bilateral basis.

8. If I choose to be supplied by EVN Makеdonija Elektrosnabduvanje, may I count on additional services by your company?
For more detailed information regarding the additional services that EVN Makedonija Elektrosnabduvanje offers to the customers, please refer to the other sections of our website or 02/3205-500.

9. What is the risk for my business if I select another trader or supplier?
The decision to be supplied by different trader or supplier is a legitimate one and it shall be respected by our company. What we can ensure you is that even in that case EVN Makеdonija Elektrosnabduvanje shall continue to take care of you in a manner that it will be on a disposal for quickly providing you the energy you need in a case of liquidation, default or any occurrence when your selected supplier is found in a position not to be able to provide you with electricity any more.

10. How do I become a customer of EVN Makеdonija Elektrosnabduvanje on the liberalized market?
If you want to become our customer, please contact us at 02/3205-500 or [email protected] or request a contract here . Our expert team will explain you in details the supplier switch procedure and the necessary documentation for starting it.
12. If I choose to be supplied on the liberalized electricity market, will I receive one invoice just like I receive now?
No. If you decide to be supplied on the liberalized electricity market, you will receive two invoices: one invoice for the energy that you will agree upon bilaterally with your Supplier (EVN Makеdonija Elektrosnabduvanje) and second invoice that will contain the distribution grid charge. The second invoice shall always be issued by Elektrodistribucija DOOEL as the National Distribution System Operator – by prices defined by the Energy Regulatory Commission.

12. Is the selection of any particular electricity supplier having any impact or influence upon the quality of the electricity I receive?
Absolutely and definitely not! The quality and security of supply in their technical terms are dependent on the functions of the responsible Transmission and Distribution Operators (MEPSO AD and Elektrodistribucija DOOEL). The suppliers or traders do not have any impact or possibility to influence the technical parameters defining the transmission or the distribution of the energy.

13. Does the transfer to a liberalized supply mean any change in the meters, the reading period, the grid, etc.?
No. The meter device remains property of Elektrodistribucija DOOEL as Distribution System Operator. With this the obligations of this company for reading the meters remain in force. The feeding installations also remain in ownership and responsibility of Elektrodistribucija DOOEL.
14. What are the high and low tariff hours?
The high tariff hours are defined as given: 07:00 – 22:00 every weekday except Sunday. Low tariff hours are 22:00 – 07:00 and Sundays.

EVN Makedonija Elektrosnabduvanje DOOEL Skopje
Str. Lazar Lichenoski no.11, Skopje
PO Box 694, Skopje 1000, Macedonia
Phone +389 (0)2 3205 500
[email protected]